Did you spill?

just add a elephant pin to that, and now it looks like you have puking animals on your shirt on purpose!  GENIUS!  from inventorspot via Jezebel.

February 18, 2009. Tags: , , , . Eat this, Emily, Fashiony, I can has animals, Matate.


  1. dan replied:

    whoever posted this picture of a woman fellating a sausage, thanks for making me lose my job.

  2. Cindy replied:

    Hey CWL!! Will there be a party when you have 100,000 hits? We loyal but far away readers hope so, so that we can vicariously enjoy.

  3. crapwelike replied:

    dan your comment just gave me the giggles so thanks for me losing my job.

    and i think cwl should have a 1 year anniversary party in march.

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