Your vote required – which bathing suit is more likely to appear in your nightmares?

So my sister and I had a race tonight to find the world’s ugliest bathing suit. Here are the three that I think are the absolute worst. Please vote on which one you believe to be most unflattering.

Option A

From Victoria’s Secret for $164 (I shit you not)

Option B

Also from Vicky’s, but amazinly on sale for $34 (they’re practically giving them away…gee, I guess NOBODY WANTED TO BUY IT)

Option C

From Delias for $29.50

March 27, 2009. Tags: , , , , . Do not want, Fashiony, Is this pretty?, Matate, Nora, Not pretty, Viral.


  1. susie replied:

    At least she found earrings to match suit A. I challenge you to find any accessory that would go with suit B. Which is why I still think I am the winner.

  2. Simone replied:

    Could someone please explain why anyone acted on the idea of cutting out the sides of the bathing suit? Even if for the small-waisted it looks like they accidently shopped in the juniors section. The only explaination may be that it was created by a super-powerful bellybutton-phobe who convinced everyone it was a good idea. S/he must be stopped.

    I voted for the bumble bee suit because that seems most nightmarish with fat-bumblebee jokes and whatnot. It could also work for a beach version of the Bridget Jones’s bunny-suit debacle.

  3. TNG Zack replied:

    It’s totally the third one. How has no one referenced the Blind Melon video yet?

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